
Paralegal Certificate

Paralegals, also known as legal assistants, complete a wide range of administrative and research tasks in the legal field, such as completing case files, interviewing clients, and preparing legal documents. A paralegal certificate can be a first step for those considering a career as a paralegal. There are two main types of paralegal certificates. A generalist certificate provides an introduction to the paralegal career and a foundation for entry-level positions or for further study in the field with an associate, bachelor’s, or master’s degree. Another type of paralegal certificate is a specialized certificate, which is for paralegals who already have experience in the field to earn expertise in a specific area of law. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), there are a total of 290 paralegal certificate programs at public and private non-profit schools across the United States.1

Table of Contents

Paralegal Certificate Learning Goals

1. Develop a thorough understanding of the law.

A key trait of a successful paralegal is understanding how the law and the legal system function. During a general paralegal certificate program, students should take introductory coursework on laws and the legal system. This foundational knowledge ensures that students will be able to work in a variety of legal environments upon graduation. Specialized certificate programs should provide foundational knowledge of the specified area of the law, and are often supplemented with practical experience.

2. Perform a diverse range of legal tasks professionally and effectively.

Another main goal of the paralegal certificate degree is to prepare graduates to work in diverse, fast-paced legal environments by completing a variety of legal tasks. Regardless of the area of specialization, graduates learn how to organize files, prepare legal documents and research, and take detailed notes under the supervision of lawyers. Graduates also develop the analytical skills needed to think critically about legal cases and support case development.

3. Hone clear written and oral communication skills.

Law is a detail-oriented field that requires meticulous accuracy. Many paralegal certificate programs require the successful completion of written and oral communication classes, which teach skills such as note-taking, legal analysis, and interviewing, to ensure graduates are prepared to work with lawyers, other legal professionals, and clients.

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Paralegal Certificate Program Options

Obtaining a paralegal certificate is often either the first step in one’s paralegal career, with a generalist certificate, or the credential needed for a more experienced paralegal to specialize in a particular area of law, with a specialized certificate. Both types of programs can take as little as four months and up to two years to complete and are offered both on-campus and online. Generalist paralegal certificate programs prepare graduates for entry-level positions by teaching a range of skills and building a foundation of legal knowledge. Generalist paralegal programs are designed for a range of students, including those with high school diplomas and those with associate’s or bachelor’s degrees. Specialized paralegal programs focus on building knowledge in particular areas, such as family or criminal law, to help graduates improve their employability or find specialized work. Typically specialized paralegal certificate programs require some prior experience in the legal field.

Online Degree Program Formats

An increasing number of students prefer the flexibility of earning a paralegal certificate online, so many schools offer online paralegal certificate programs as well as hybrid programs that can be completed with limited on-campus visits. Both generalist and specialized certificate programs are offered in an online format, which is especially convenient for students who want to keep working while they pursue their education.

Admission Requirements

The admission requirements for paralegal certificate programs vary depending on whether the certificate is designed to provide generalized or specialized learning in legal work and processes. Applicants to generalized paralegal certificate programs need at least a high school diploma or equivalent, although some courses require an associate’s or bachelor’s degree, which can be in any subject. Previous coursework in communications or legal studies may be requested in these programs but is not always required. Specialized certificate programs often require applicants to have an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in any subject with either work experience or a general paralegal certificate. Applicants may also need to submit professional references or letters of recommendation.

Core Concepts and Coursework

Paralegal certificate programs often include both legal theory courses and skills training such as:

  • Civil Procedures
  • Contracts
  • Estates and Trusts
  • Interviewing Skills
  • Introduction to Legal Studies
  • Legal Communications
  • Legal Ethics
  • Legal Office Technology and Software
  • Researching the Law
  • Torts

Select Paralegal Certificate Programs

Traditional Programs

Kennesaw State University

Kennesaw State University’s College of Graduate and Professional Education offers a paralegal certificate program for applicants with a high school diploma or GED. The curriculum includes 13 courses such as Contracts and Business Associations, Civil Litigation, and Tort Law. This self-paced program offers great flexibility as each course is six weeks long. One to four courses can be taken during each session term and new applicants are accepted in January, March, April, June, August, and October. Classes are held during the day and in the evening and many students finish the program in one year. The college also offers specialty courses in areas such as immigration law and HIPAA compliance, which can be taken as continuing education or as non-credit electives during the program.

University of California-Los Angeles

The paralegal certificate at the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) is offered by the Business, Management, and Legal Programs Department of UCLA’s continuing education branch called UCLA Extension. The program is offered at both the Westwood and downtown Los Angeles campuses and is open to students who already have a bachelor’s degree. The program is approved by the ABA and delivered in two formats. The five-month format requires students to attend classes Monday through Friday each morning, while the 11-month program takes place on two evenings per week. Students in both formats take the same courses, including Legal Research, Contracts, and Civil Procedures. Start dates are offered during the Fall, Winter, and Spring terms with information sessions held throughout the year to help potential applicants learn more about the program and career opportunities.

University of La Verne

The University of La Verne offers a Paralegal Studies Certificate that is approved by the American Bar Association (ABA). Admission is open to all applicants who have a bachelor’s degree or 60 semester hours earned at a regionally-accredited college. The 32 semester hours in the required curriculum encompass such courses as American Legal Studies; Legal Research and Writing; and Paralegal Internship & Ethics. Students may also take electives such as Property/Real Estate Transactions; Immigration Law and Procedure; and Law in Film and Literature. Courses are offered in the spring and fall semesters with classes meeting once per week in the evening. La Verne also offers a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Paralegal Studies and a minor in American Law.

Online and Hybrid Programs

The University of California Berkeley

The University of California Berkeley (Berkeley) offers a paralegal certificate program designed for individuals with no previous post-secondary education. Only a high school diploma is required for admission. The program is delivered fully online and can be completed in as little as six months; however, the maximum program duration is one year. Six courses are required, including two core courses and four electives. New students begin by taking Essential Paralegal Studies Part I: Foundational Skills and progress to specialized courses such as Paralegal Contract Law, Paralegal Family Law, and Paralegal California Procedures. Students who enroll in the course Essential Paralegal Skills Part II: Authority, Research and Writing receive one-year access to LexisNexis and six-month access to Westlaw. The Berkeley certificate program in Paralegal Studies meets the educational requirements to become a certified paralegal professional in California.

Boston University

For students who may want an online program with more structure, the paralegal certificate program at Boston University’s Center for Professional Education (CPE) provides a fully-online learning experience with a module format. Students must take seven required two-week modules and submit assignments on time during each module. Modules include Legal Research; Technology and the Paralegal; and Litigation. Six start dates are offered throughout the year and the certificate program is typically completed in 14 weeks. Prospective students are invited to take a free online learning course tour to decide whether the format is a good fit. While a degree or work experience is not required, it is recommended that applicants have either an undergraduate degree or several years of work experience, as well as basic computer and internet proficiencies.

Duke University

Duke University’s (Duke) Continuing Studies department offers many different paralegal certificate programs fully online. The generalist paralegal certificate program includes 300 hours of study and is self-paced; however, students must complete all requirements within one year. Applicants must have an associate’s degree in any subject for consideration. Over 20 specialist paralegal certificates are also offered, including certificates in Business Law, Criminal Law, Immigration Law, and Workers’ Compensation Law. Each certificate program comprises four courses, is self-paced, and takes as little as six months to complete. Applicants must have either a degree or a certificate in paralegal studies or a bachelor’s degree in any subject with at least three years’ work experience as a paralegal. Enrollment dates are offered throughout the year.

Jobs with a Paralegal Certificate

Paralegals work under the supervision of lawyers and typically find work in private law firms, although some opportunities also exist in the armed forces, government, and the public and non-profit sectors. While many graduates look for paralegal jobs upon graduation, a paralegal certificate also provides useful skills training for jobs in other areas of legal studies. Careers for which a paralegal certificate may prepare you include:

  • Administrative Assistant
  • Court Reporter
  • Executive Assistant
  • Generalist Paralegal
  • Law Clerk
  • Legal Advocate
  • Legal Assistant
  • Legal Researcher
  • Legal Secretary
  • Paralegal
  • Specialist Paralegal
  • Transcriptionist

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do paralegals work?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2019, 76% of all paralegal jobs were located in a legal services setting.3 The remaining jobs were classified in the federal, state, and local levels of government and in finance and insurance businesses.3 Paralegals employed by the federal government and the finance and insurance industry had the highest mean annual salaries at $67,080 and 64,190 respectively.3

Can I specialize in a particular area of law?

Yes. Many paralegals start their careers with a generalized certificate or degree and then pursue a specialized certificate after they have gained work experience. Paralegal skills are valuable and applicable to all areas of law, so choosing to specialize in one area is optional and depends on your career goals.

How much do paralegals make and what is the job outlook for paralegals?

According to the BLS, the median annual salary in this profession in 2019 was $51,740.3 The job growth rate through 2029 is much faster than other types of professions, at 10%.3

Can I complete an internship in a certificate program?

Due to the compressed schedules of paralegal certificate programs, internships are not generally included. Some schools offer placement options and job search assistance upon completion of the program. Check with school advisors or professors for work opportunities and resources during the application process.

Can I become certified with a paralegal certificate?

It is not necessary to be certified to work as a paralegal in most states; however, in some states such as North Carolina, Ohio, and Texas, qualified paralegals can become certified through their state bar association. In most cases, a paralegal certificate will qualify applicants for state certification. In addition to state certification, optional examinations and national certifications are available through organizations such as the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA). You can read more about these national certification options on our becoming a paralegal page.

Do I need to attend an ABA-approved paralegal certificate program?

Paralegal certificate and degree programs may be approved by the American Bar Association; however, applying for this approval is optional, and a lack of approval does not necessarily indicate that a non-approved program is not as thorough as an approved one. That said, some employers may look favorably on applicants with ABA-approved certificates and degrees.

1. National Center for Education Statistics College Navigator: https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/
2. American Bar Association: Educational Information for Paralegals: https://www.americanbar.org/groups/paralegals/profession-information/educational-information-for-paralegals/
3. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupational Outlook Handbook: Paralegals and Legal Assistants: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/legal/paralegals-and-legal-assistants.htm
4. Business and Profession Code: Division 3: Chapter 5.6 Paralegals: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=BPC&division=3.&title=&part=&chapter=5.6.&article=